Need number 1: Yoga
Yoga is amazing and calming, I need it daily to relax physical and mental for the rest of the day,
although I'm not super flexible person, there are a lot of pose that I enjoy doing like....
1. Lotus position
2. Downward dog
3. Camel pose
4. Warrior I and II
Need number 2: Art
As an artist, I observe everything as a form or shape of art, it sometimes doesn't make sense to other people
but isn't that what art is...... something that doesn't always make sense and simply doesn't have to make sense.
My first love of art is drawing because I have more control over the process from start to finish, now my enemy and
drawing's opposite is painting.
Need number 3: Netflix and the tv
I have dedicated my life to tv shows and Netflix, I am the best binge-watcher person ever, I will become
completely lazy to show a 1- 1 1/2 seasons of a show in one day. Shows that I really enjoy is....
1. The Flash- amazing so good
2. Bob's Burger- really funny to me, however Netflix hasn't added season 6 which they say
that season 6 just started even though I know I saw season 7 listed so they are
fucking with me.
3. Any crime show except crime shows based on movie
You can watch The Flash and Bob's Burger from the beginning on Netflix
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